There are many reference of the importance of Agnihothra and protection of Cows in Vedas. Few Manthras from Atharv Veda is appended below.
AV7.73 – मनुष्यकर्तव्योपदेश:अग्निहोत्रऔर गोपालन
1-5 अश्विनौ; 6,7 सविता, 8,11 अघ्न्या; 9,10 अग्निर्देवता
1.समिधोअग्निर्वृषणा रथी दिवस्तप्तो घर्मो वामिषे मधु |
वयंहि वां पुरुदमासो अश्विना हवामहे सधमादेषु कारव: || अथर्व 7.73
प्रात:कालीन प्रकाश के रथ पर प्रकट सूर्योदय और यज्ञ सेदिनचर्या आरम्भ कर के, हम दोनो ( पति पत्नि) गौओं के धारोष्ण अमृतको दुह कर दोनो (परिवार और समाज ) की इच्छापूर्ति और प्रदूषण के दमन के दोनो पुण्यकार्यों में हर्षित होते हैं.
With the dawn of the day heralded by the chariot of light and our offerings in fire for the morning agnihotra, we the twins (Husband and wife) actively participate in milking the warm nectar of cows, for fulfilling our desires andthus performing our duty.
2.समिद्धोअग्निरश्विना तप्तो वां घर्मं आ गतम् |
दुह्यंतेनूनं वृषणेह धेनवो दस्रा मदंति वेधस: || अथर्व 7.73.2
इन दोनो शुभकार्यों (अग्नि होत्र और गोदोहन) केद्वारा प्रदीप्त तेजस्वी ऐश्वर्ययुक्त दोनो पराक्रमी (नागरिक और-दस्रा वेधस:- सैनिकजन ) के द्वारा रोगनाशक पर्यावरण औरगोदोहन में बुद्धिमान जन हर्षित होते हैं.
By the two actions of (Agnihotra in the morning and milking of the cowshere) you are bringing to all the common men and soldiers,warmth of well being (nutritive food from cow) and clean environment (by performing Agnihotra).
3.स्वाहाकृत: शुचिर्देवेषु यज्ञो यो अश्विनोश्चमसो द्वपान: |
तमुविश्वे अमृतासु जुषाणा गन्धर्वस्य प्रत्यास्म्ना रिहन्ति || अथर्व 7.73.3
दोनो चतुर ( पतिपत्नि) के आलस्य त्याग कर स्वाहाकृत सुंदरस्वच्छता प्रदान करने वाला यज्ञ मेघ औरमुख द्वारा ग्रहण करने योग्य अमृत प्रदान करता है जो दोनो रक्षणीय और प्रशंसनीय हैं.
These two morning actions Agnihotra and milking the Cows by you two (the husband and wife team) by giving up your laziness, bring delight to the perceptive folk (Gandharwas of world) by helping rain clouds ( by Agnihotra) and providing food (through Cows).
4.यदुस्रियास्वाहुतंघृतं पयोSयं स वामश्विना भाग आ गतम् |
माध्वीधर्तारा विदथस्य सत्पती तप्तं घर्मं पिबतं रोचने दिव: || अथर्व 7.73.4
जैसे गौओं से प्राप्त दोनो दुग्ध और घृत, दोनो चतुर पति पत्नि के पराक्रम से प्राप्तहो रहा है,वैसे ही सत्पुरुषों की रक्षा के लिए मधुविद्या(वेदों का सब समाज मे सामंजस्य स्थापित कर के आपसी व्यवहार का उपदेश) जानने योग्यहै. इन दोनो का सूर्य के प्रकाश में ऐश्वर्ययुक्त और प्रकाशमान जीवन प्राप्त करो.
Just as the twins of milk and ghee are made available from cows, by the efforts of this clever twin (the team of husband and wife) for the preservation of society, the wisdom of Vedas teaches all to live together in peace andharmony, bask in glory of the twins of prosperity and an open free society and enlightened life.
5.तप्तो वा घर्मो नक्षतु स्वहोता प्र वामध्वर्युश्चरतुपयस्वान् |
मघोर्दुग्धस्याश्विनातनाया वीतं पातं पयस उस्रियाया: || अथर्व 7.73.5
चतुर दोनो (पति पत्नि) ऐश्वर्ययुक्त हिंसा रहित प्रकाशमान (वैदिक याज्ञिक जीवन शैलि का उपदेश) गोदुग्ध गरम दुग्ध औरतपाया हुवा गोघृत दोनो स्वास्थ्य और यज्ञ युक्तजीवन शैलि दोनो से ईश्वर ज्ञान और समाज की रक्षा दोनो को प्राप्त करो.
The clever twins (team of husband wife) lead a life of love and peace insociety. Twin strategy of Vedic life style of agnihotras and wisdom for seeking blessings of Divine and protection of environment are provided by Cow enabled twins of warm milk and heat clarified ghee.
6.उपद्रव पयसा गोधुगोषमा घर्मे सिञ्च पय उस्रियाया: |
विनाकमख्यत्स्वविता वरेण्योSनुप्रयाणमुषसो वि राजति || अथर्व 7.73.6
इस प्रात:कालीन वेला में सविता देव ने वरणीय सूर्य द्वारा अंधकार रहित प्रकाश से स्वर्गस्थापित कर दिया है. हे गोधुक् गौ को दोहने वाले, तुम शीघ्र आकर धारोष्ण गोदुग्ध प्रदान करो.
By the grace of Savita Dev, morning sun has banished the darkness of night and established the glory of day light. O care taker of Cows, hurry up to provide us with fresh from cow’s udder raw warm milk
7.उप ह्व्ये सुदुधां धेनुमेतां सुहस्तोगोधुगुत दोहदेनाम् |
श्रेष्ठंसवं सविता साविषन्नोSभीद्धो घर्मस्तदु षु प्र वोचत् || अथर्व 7.73.7
सुख से दुहानेवाली इस गौ को बुलाता हूं. सधे हुए कुशल हाथों से गौ का दोहन हो. सब को उत्तम प्रेरणा देने वाली वृत्तियों से धारोष्णदुग्धादि पदार्थ हमें उपलब्ध हों.
We reckon with cows of friendly temperaments. Trained skilled hands are employed to milk the cows. All round wisdom and cooperation in the efforts of maintaining good cow ensure healthy clean raw milk to the community.
8.हिङ्कृण्वती वसुपत्नी वसूनां वत्समिच्छन्ती मनसा न्यागन् |
दुहामश्विभ्यांपयो अघ्न्येयं सा वर्धतां महते सौभगाय || अथर्व7.73.8
(पञ्च्गव्यद्वारा) श्रेष्ठ धनों को पुष्ट करने वाली गौ, हृदय से बछड़े की कामना करती हुई रंभाति हुईहमारे महान सौभाग्य के लिए हमारे (घर में) नित्य विराजमान हो.
Best riches in life are provided by panchgavy( Five products from cow namely Milk, curds, butter, Urine and Dung). We pray that for our good luck and well being cow may always stay in our home.
9.जुष्टोदमूमा अतिथिर्दुरोण इमं नो यज्ञमुप याहि विद्वान् |
विश्वा अग्ने अभियुजो विहत्य शत्रूयतामा भराभोजनानि || अथर्व 7.73.9
विद्वान यज्ञाग्नि का प्रिय अतिथि कीतरह प्रेम पूर्वक पोषण और सत्कार करते हैं. जिस से वह हमारे (पर्यावरण प्रदूषण)रूपि शत्रुओं का विनाश करती है.
For protection from harmful environments and negative mental attitudes, wise men nurture , love and feed the Agnihotra fire like welcome guest.
10.अग्ने शर्घ महते सौभगाय तव द्युम्नान्युत्तमानि संतु|
संजास्पत्यं सुययमा कृणुष्व शत्रूययतामभि तिष्ठा महांसि || अथर्व 7.73.10
यज्ञाग्नि हमदोनों (पति पत्नि) महान सौभाग्य के हेतु, हमें तेजस्वी, उत्साहवान और सुदृढ़ बनाकर शत्रुता पूर्ण आचरण करने वालो को हमारे मुकाबले में शिथिल करे.
Fire of Yagnas brings all the best bounties in life and provides with cheerful positive temperaments.Yagnas also weaken the forces opposing our well being.
11 सूयवसाद्भभगवतीहि भूया अधा वयं भगवंत: स्याम|
अद्धितृणमघ्नये विश्वदानी पिबं शुद्धमुहकमाचरंती || अथर्व 7.73.11
(हमारीगौमाता) सुंदर यवादि खाती हुई भाग्यवती हो जिस से हम भाग्यशाली बनें. हमारी सदा (गोचर में) तृणादि खाती और शुद्ध जल का पानकर के विचरे.
Our cows may always self feed in pasture to get green nutrition, and get excellent water to drink to bring good luck to our life.
By Subodh Kumar
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Open Letter of Indian Dalit Christians to Pope Benedict XVI
R L Francis
27 December 2011
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you - St Matthew 7.7
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Secretariat of State
00120 Vatican City State - Europe
Wish You a Merry Christmas and New Year
Your Holiness
The debate related to the status of Christians in India is going on and you are already aware of it. There are two points to this wide ranging debate. First, social, economic and political status of converted Christians; and second, growing tensions in different parts of the country due to conversion-related activities. The second has more to do with the way the Catholic Church opts to function in the country.
According to official estimates of the government, there are 30 million Christians in the country and 70 percent of this population has directly come from socially and economically downtrodden community popularly known as “Dalits”. However, as per unofficial figures, the population of minority Christians is not less than 60-70 million. Irony is that; these people have been constantly suppressed and exploited even under the structure of the Catholic Church being led by you (Pope). They are ridiculed for their sacrifices made hundreds of years ago for the church. They don’t command equal status in the existing structure of church and this has made the sacrifices futile.
Christianity stresses on the fact that God has created people in his own image and this has become the founding stone of equality of human values in Christian society. But, they are continuously meted out differential treatment in the name of caste and birth. In order to catch your attention towards these core issues, I am writing this letter to you. I am going to discuss first core issue.
Ideology of Church
Theoretically, there is no place for non-equality and racism in Christianity and when it is attached with identity of the Catholic Church; the concept of caste automatically vanishes like camphor as the word ‘Catholic-means-Universal’. There is only one head of this universal community of people and that is none other than representative of Vicar of Christ which is responsible for recruitment of Bishops in order to guide their disciples.
In that way, Holy Father/Pope, ‘you’ are responsible for maintaining the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ on the earth. Now you should explain to me where is the place of dirty ideology like casteism and racism in this ‘Kingdom of Heaven’?
Deprived class in Indian church
Downtrodden class in India has always been victim of unequal treatment, casteism and social exploitation. In order to seek solace and relief from their pathetic condition, they are still coming under the aegis of church for the last 3 or 4 centuries. But, here, too, they have been exploited in the name of caste and race. The hope with which they had come to Christianity seems to have been forfeited. On the contrary, they are now entangled in even deeper quagmire of inequality.
Church moving opposite to ideology of Christianity
Catholic Church has completely failed in its duty to provide equality and justice to that majority of converted people under the structure controlled by you (Pope). The resources have been captured by upper-class Christians. After independence of India, the Catholic Church has immensely progressed which is reflected in the heavy increase in the number of schools, colleges, social institutions, new diocese, Fathers, Bishops, nuns and their followers. However, despite this entire progress, one thing that has not changed - the status of converted Christians.
Converted Christians are the backbone of the Catholic Church in India, but their participation in the structure of Catholic Church is zero. Bishop, Father and Cardinal from this class are rare to find and those who somehow managed after hard-fought struggle are standing marginalized in society. They are being treated differently by their upper-class brothers (Bishops and Fathers).
Thousands of organizations related to education, health and non-governmental organizations are being run by church and right to run these institutions has been conferred by Indian constitution. The structure of church being run under Vatican (you) has failed to do justice to converted Christians. Understanding the gravity of the situation Pope John Paul-II had severely criticized the attitude of unequal treatment and discriminatory approach in the church. In 2003, he had said that Bishops were appointed to look after lambs and it is their duty to abolish any kind of discrimination prevalent in the Catholic Church.
Betrayal of faith
There is widespread anger among converted Christians against the policies adopted by the church. They have started demanding their rights within the existing structure of church. The response of church has been abysmal in this regard. The church leadership has termed this anger unjustified. Instead of addressing the genuine concerns of converted Christians, they have shied away from their responsibilities and are trying to shift it on the Government of India. This is being done in order to fulfill their own ulterior motive. By doing so church is pushing these people in the same quagmire of caste system.
When Indian constitution was being framed, constitution makers advocated reservations for the dalit class who were victims of caste oppression in the prevalent Hindu system. Majority of Hindu people sacrificed their right to equality in favour of their dalit brothers as a compensation of injustice meted out to them.
Your Holiness, do your representatives have the moral right to betray the faith of those who had blindly believed in the church and its promises? They have given their whole life to the church. The story is similar to the poor widow about whom Jesus had said to their disciples, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.” (Mark 12: 41-44) We Dalit Catholics had also left the facilities (reservation) given by the Indian government.
Church should compensate
Church is now blaming others for its failures. When the Indian constitution was being framed, these converted Christians remained in the fold of the church and did not switch their loyalties. Within the framework of the constitution, minorities were given special rights and privileges that were unthinkable even in USA and Europe. Taking benefit of these rights, the church has enlarged its empire but seems to have forgotten converted Christians. Church leadership is stifling the just demands of their own people who are the backbone of the Catholic Church in the country.
Now, church leadership has no moral right to bring the converted people in the realm of the same caste system that has oppressed them for centuries. Had they not gone in the fold of the church and continued with the Hindu system they, too, would have enjoyed benefits bestowed upon them by the Constitution of India and progressed like their other Dalit Hindu brothers in the same fashion.
After the Government of India, the church is the only organized entity that can make available jobs, but the participation of converted Christians is very low and maximum they can get is post of driver, cook, clerk, peon and gatekeeper. These jobs, too, can be availed on the mercy of Bishops and their condition is no better than slave laborers. I demand from the church that they should compensate for the injustice and exploitation meted out to millions of converted Christians. Vatican had done this in the past and it can also be done here.
Church should change its policy
Church has always preferred safe trade. It has established thousands of schools, colleges and other institutions. This has benefited a lot to the church leadership, but the majority of converted Christians have been largely deprived. Even in the field of education where church has practically monopoly, it has failed to benefit converted Christians. We will not stop just after getting few benefits, but Dalit Christians want their due share in the existing structure.
Hindu society is changing very fast. Doors of temples are being opened for Dalit Hindus and many programmes are being run to abolish ignominious caste system, whereas Christianity has not been able to do minor changes in its structure. Hindu dalits are constantly moving on, but this is not the case with converted Christian society. Church administration being led by you is pushing them back. Perhaps their thinking is to assimilate converted Christians among 300 million Hindus. They believe that this will make the task of church leadership easier. Why it is that church leadership always seeks solution in putting converted Christians in the list of Hindu dalits?
It is the duty of church leadership that process of development should be smooth. It is good to have institutions/policy made for the welfare of people. However, it is even more important who are implementing them. Converted Christians should get share proportionate to their population. Unless and until this happens, their position in the society will remain the same and their problems will persist.
Your Holiness, in the first point I have tried to elaborate the first point related to the problems faced by converted Christians. In India, the relationship between Catholic Church and its followers is not based on democratic set-up. Inside the church, upper-caste Christians have more opportunity to progress than converted Christians. Considering the status of these people, some fundamental structural changes are needed. At present, Bishops are the “key power” and they are appointed by the Vatican and that is why they feel themselves more responsible towards Vatican and less towards Kalisia. Most of the Catholics are of the view that Bishop should be elected by Kalisia and not by the Vatican so that they could be made more responsible towards their people.
Evangelization and escalating tension
Recently, for the sake of safety and security of Christian society, you have appealed to Hindu society that they should stand-up against condemnable hate propaganda against Christians and should pave the way for religious freedom. Your concerns are genuine as tension between Christians and people from other faiths has escalated over the years and at some places it has even taken violent turn. Be it ignominious incident of burning of Graham Staines with his two children in 1999 or Kandhamal riots or violence at some other place. Indian society has always opposed violence on the name of caste or religion. Indian government has acted swiftly whenever such incidents have taken place. Perpetrators of crime have been punished. Government has also constituted various commissions in this regard and their reports have been startling.
India has always been a glorious symbol of tolerance and has shown respect for all religions and faiths with the feeling of amicable co-existence. There is no place for non-tolerant faith among majority of Hindu community. Every citizen respects fundamental right of religious freedom of other people.
Many commissions constituted by government in the wake of violent instances against Christians have also indicated towards imperialistic nature of church. There is an urgent need for introspection on the method of propagation of Christian faith as they have become instruments of growing tension with people of other faiths. We can stop this by changing the current practices by the church and help create amicable atmosphere.
Freedom of church in India
Indian church and Christians have rights that are not even available to European church. In matters related to Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and other religions there is some government intervention. For example, properties of religious institutions of Muslims are looked after by Waqf board. Similarly, religious properties in Sikhs are also managed according to Indian law. Government has direct control over the income of big temples and this money is spent on upliftment of deprived class.
But, government has no intervention in matters pertaining to Christians. Bishops are appointed by you and Vatican and Fathers/Bishops has ownership over huge assets and resources of church. Even in Europe many countries have control over the properties of church. India is one country where church enjoys immense religious freedom.
Introspection of evangelization policy is necessary
Recently, Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue has raised few questions about status of religious freedom in India. The indication was towards anti-conversion law made by few states in India. Church is facing difficulty after enactment of this law. They should understand that Indian constitution allows anybody to follow faith of his/her choice and even allows propagation of religion. But nobody can justify conversion of scheduled caste and tribes under the garb of social service.
There is a thin line between propagation of one’s faith and conversion. If state gives absolute freedom to those who have sole motive of conversion, then it is the duty of the state to intervene in the matter. This becomes all the more important considering wherever conversion has taken place in large number social tension has increased.
This year Vatican had convened a meeting of various heads of faiths in Assisi of Italy on October 27. In this meeting, Indian representation had tried to attract the attention of Vatican towards conversion. As a matter of fact, if Vatican really wants amicable solution to various problems faced by Christianity then it is the church that will have to play larger role in the process.
Development of converted Christians should be goal of church
Your Holiness, theoretically Christianity advocates equality but in practice reality is starkly different. Discriminatory caste policies of the Catholic Church fail the basic motive of Christianity. In reality, condition of converted Christians worsens after conversion. Church should bring a White Paper on the matter of how much church has progressed after independence and how much progress converted Christians have made during the same period.
Church receives huge donations in the name of social service and development of disciples of the faith, but hardly anything has changed on the ground. This is certainly a food for thought that where this money goes?
Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM), an umbrella organization of Dalit Christians, is of the view that church officials don’t want to leave any benefit currently enjoyed by them at any cost. They are not at all concerned with the betterment of converted Christians. This is why there is no hint of betterment of the status of this community even in the distant future. The current system harbours inequality. That is why it will be wrong to expect that things will change in the near future.
Converted Christians are looking towards you with a lot of hope and we request you to take concrete steps for change in the fundamental structure of church.
Yours in Christ
R L Francis
The author is president, Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM)
27 December 2011
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you - St Matthew 7.7
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Secretariat of State
00120 Vatican City State - Europe
Wish You a Merry Christmas and New Year
Your Holiness
The debate related to the status of Christians in India is going on and you are already aware of it. There are two points to this wide ranging debate. First, social, economic and political status of converted Christians; and second, growing tensions in different parts of the country due to conversion-related activities. The second has more to do with the way the Catholic Church opts to function in the country.
According to official estimates of the government, there are 30 million Christians in the country and 70 percent of this population has directly come from socially and economically downtrodden community popularly known as “Dalits”. However, as per unofficial figures, the population of minority Christians is not less than 60-70 million. Irony is that; these people have been constantly suppressed and exploited even under the structure of the Catholic Church being led by you (Pope). They are ridiculed for their sacrifices made hundreds of years ago for the church. They don’t command equal status in the existing structure of church and this has made the sacrifices futile.
Christianity stresses on the fact that God has created people in his own image and this has become the founding stone of equality of human values in Christian society. But, they are continuously meted out differential treatment in the name of caste and birth. In order to catch your attention towards these core issues, I am writing this letter to you. I am going to discuss first core issue.
Ideology of Church
Theoretically, there is no place for non-equality and racism in Christianity and when it is attached with identity of the Catholic Church; the concept of caste automatically vanishes like camphor as the word ‘Catholic-means-Universal’. There is only one head of this universal community of people and that is none other than representative of Vicar of Christ which is responsible for recruitment of Bishops in order to guide their disciples.
In that way, Holy Father/Pope, ‘you’ are responsible for maintaining the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ on the earth. Now you should explain to me where is the place of dirty ideology like casteism and racism in this ‘Kingdom of Heaven’?
Deprived class in Indian church
Downtrodden class in India has always been victim of unequal treatment, casteism and social exploitation. In order to seek solace and relief from their pathetic condition, they are still coming under the aegis of church for the last 3 or 4 centuries. But, here, too, they have been exploited in the name of caste and race. The hope with which they had come to Christianity seems to have been forfeited. On the contrary, they are now entangled in even deeper quagmire of inequality.
Church moving opposite to ideology of Christianity
Catholic Church has completely failed in its duty to provide equality and justice to that majority of converted people under the structure controlled by you (Pope). The resources have been captured by upper-class Christians. After independence of India, the Catholic Church has immensely progressed which is reflected in the heavy increase in the number of schools, colleges, social institutions, new diocese, Fathers, Bishops, nuns and their followers. However, despite this entire progress, one thing that has not changed - the status of converted Christians.
Converted Christians are the backbone of the Catholic Church in India, but their participation in the structure of Catholic Church is zero. Bishop, Father and Cardinal from this class are rare to find and those who somehow managed after hard-fought struggle are standing marginalized in society. They are being treated differently by their upper-class brothers (Bishops and Fathers).
Thousands of organizations related to education, health and non-governmental organizations are being run by church and right to run these institutions has been conferred by Indian constitution. The structure of church being run under Vatican (you) has failed to do justice to converted Christians. Understanding the gravity of the situation Pope John Paul-II had severely criticized the attitude of unequal treatment and discriminatory approach in the church. In 2003, he had said that Bishops were appointed to look after lambs and it is their duty to abolish any kind of discrimination prevalent in the Catholic Church.
Betrayal of faith
There is widespread anger among converted Christians against the policies adopted by the church. They have started demanding their rights within the existing structure of church. The response of church has been abysmal in this regard. The church leadership has termed this anger unjustified. Instead of addressing the genuine concerns of converted Christians, they have shied away from their responsibilities and are trying to shift it on the Government of India. This is being done in order to fulfill their own ulterior motive. By doing so church is pushing these people in the same quagmire of caste system.
When Indian constitution was being framed, constitution makers advocated reservations for the dalit class who were victims of caste oppression in the prevalent Hindu system. Majority of Hindu people sacrificed their right to equality in favour of their dalit brothers as a compensation of injustice meted out to them.
Your Holiness, do your representatives have the moral right to betray the faith of those who had blindly believed in the church and its promises? They have given their whole life to the church. The story is similar to the poor widow about whom Jesus had said to their disciples, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.” (Mark 12: 41-44) We Dalit Catholics had also left the facilities (reservation) given by the Indian government.
Church should compensate
Church is now blaming others for its failures. When the Indian constitution was being framed, these converted Christians remained in the fold of the church and did not switch their loyalties. Within the framework of the constitution, minorities were given special rights and privileges that were unthinkable even in USA and Europe. Taking benefit of these rights, the church has enlarged its empire but seems to have forgotten converted Christians. Church leadership is stifling the just demands of their own people who are the backbone of the Catholic Church in the country.
Now, church leadership has no moral right to bring the converted people in the realm of the same caste system that has oppressed them for centuries. Had they not gone in the fold of the church and continued with the Hindu system they, too, would have enjoyed benefits bestowed upon them by the Constitution of India and progressed like their other Dalit Hindu brothers in the same fashion.
After the Government of India, the church is the only organized entity that can make available jobs, but the participation of converted Christians is very low and maximum they can get is post of driver, cook, clerk, peon and gatekeeper. These jobs, too, can be availed on the mercy of Bishops and their condition is no better than slave laborers. I demand from the church that they should compensate for the injustice and exploitation meted out to millions of converted Christians. Vatican had done this in the past and it can also be done here.
Church should change its policy
Church has always preferred safe trade. It has established thousands of schools, colleges and other institutions. This has benefited a lot to the church leadership, but the majority of converted Christians have been largely deprived. Even in the field of education where church has practically monopoly, it has failed to benefit converted Christians. We will not stop just after getting few benefits, but Dalit Christians want their due share in the existing structure.
Hindu society is changing very fast. Doors of temples are being opened for Dalit Hindus and many programmes are being run to abolish ignominious caste system, whereas Christianity has not been able to do minor changes in its structure. Hindu dalits are constantly moving on, but this is not the case with converted Christian society. Church administration being led by you is pushing them back. Perhaps their thinking is to assimilate converted Christians among 300 million Hindus. They believe that this will make the task of church leadership easier. Why it is that church leadership always seeks solution in putting converted Christians in the list of Hindu dalits?
It is the duty of church leadership that process of development should be smooth. It is good to have institutions/policy made for the welfare of people. However, it is even more important who are implementing them. Converted Christians should get share proportionate to their population. Unless and until this happens, their position in the society will remain the same and their problems will persist.
Your Holiness, in the first point I have tried to elaborate the first point related to the problems faced by converted Christians. In India, the relationship between Catholic Church and its followers is not based on democratic set-up. Inside the church, upper-caste Christians have more opportunity to progress than converted Christians. Considering the status of these people, some fundamental structural changes are needed. At present, Bishops are the “key power” and they are appointed by the Vatican and that is why they feel themselves more responsible towards Vatican and less towards Kalisia. Most of the Catholics are of the view that Bishop should be elected by Kalisia and not by the Vatican so that they could be made more responsible towards their people.
Evangelization and escalating tension
Recently, for the sake of safety and security of Christian society, you have appealed to Hindu society that they should stand-up against condemnable hate propaganda against Christians and should pave the way for religious freedom. Your concerns are genuine as tension between Christians and people from other faiths has escalated over the years and at some places it has even taken violent turn. Be it ignominious incident of burning of Graham Staines with his two children in 1999 or Kandhamal riots or violence at some other place. Indian society has always opposed violence on the name of caste or religion. Indian government has acted swiftly whenever such incidents have taken place. Perpetrators of crime have been punished. Government has also constituted various commissions in this regard and their reports have been startling.
India has always been a glorious symbol of tolerance and has shown respect for all religions and faiths with the feeling of amicable co-existence. There is no place for non-tolerant faith among majority of Hindu community. Every citizen respects fundamental right of religious freedom of other people.
Many commissions constituted by government in the wake of violent instances against Christians have also indicated towards imperialistic nature of church. There is an urgent need for introspection on the method of propagation of Christian faith as they have become instruments of growing tension with people of other faiths. We can stop this by changing the current practices by the church and help create amicable atmosphere.
Freedom of church in India
Indian church and Christians have rights that are not even available to European church. In matters related to Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and other religions there is some government intervention. For example, properties of religious institutions of Muslims are looked after by Waqf board. Similarly, religious properties in Sikhs are also managed according to Indian law. Government has direct control over the income of big temples and this money is spent on upliftment of deprived class.
But, government has no intervention in matters pertaining to Christians. Bishops are appointed by you and Vatican and Fathers/Bishops has ownership over huge assets and resources of church. Even in Europe many countries have control over the properties of church. India is one country where church enjoys immense religious freedom.
Introspection of evangelization policy is necessary
Recently, Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue has raised few questions about status of religious freedom in India. The indication was towards anti-conversion law made by few states in India. Church is facing difficulty after enactment of this law. They should understand that Indian constitution allows anybody to follow faith of his/her choice and even allows propagation of religion. But nobody can justify conversion of scheduled caste and tribes under the garb of social service.
There is a thin line between propagation of one’s faith and conversion. If state gives absolute freedom to those who have sole motive of conversion, then it is the duty of the state to intervene in the matter. This becomes all the more important considering wherever conversion has taken place in large number social tension has increased.
This year Vatican had convened a meeting of various heads of faiths in Assisi of Italy on October 27. In this meeting, Indian representation had tried to attract the attention of Vatican towards conversion. As a matter of fact, if Vatican really wants amicable solution to various problems faced by Christianity then it is the church that will have to play larger role in the process.
Development of converted Christians should be goal of church
Your Holiness, theoretically Christianity advocates equality but in practice reality is starkly different. Discriminatory caste policies of the Catholic Church fail the basic motive of Christianity. In reality, condition of converted Christians worsens after conversion. Church should bring a White Paper on the matter of how much church has progressed after independence and how much progress converted Christians have made during the same period.
Church receives huge donations in the name of social service and development of disciples of the faith, but hardly anything has changed on the ground. This is certainly a food for thought that where this money goes?
Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM), an umbrella organization of Dalit Christians, is of the view that church officials don’t want to leave any benefit currently enjoyed by them at any cost. They are not at all concerned with the betterment of converted Christians. This is why there is no hint of betterment of the status of this community even in the distant future. The current system harbours inequality. That is why it will be wrong to expect that things will change in the near future.
Converted Christians are looking towards you with a lot of hope and we request you to take concrete steps for change in the fundamental structure of church.
Yours in Christ
R L Francis
The author is president, Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM)
कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम्
By Chitranjan Sawant
My joy is unbound when I read on the news wire that the Tomsk Court in Siberia, Russia has dismissed the State Prosecutors"plea to ban the Bhagwad Gita As It Is as a piece of extremist literature that promotes social dischord and hatred.The case had been going on since June 2011 but as the day of judgement neared the anger mixed sadness reached the boiling point among the Hindus all over the world. Now we feel relieved that one of our most sacred scriptures that ranks next to the Vedas has come out shining like Sun.
Ah! It was the Russian Orthodox Church that was the moving spirit behind the court case filed by the State Prosecutors in the far off Siberia. It was a dirty and tactical move of the Russian Orthodox Church. The evil design was to obtain an anti ISKCON judgement and have the Gita banned quietly away from the glare of media publicity. Thus they would have achieved their aim of limiting the spiritual activities of the ISKCON movement and also spread their form of Christianity. They failed miserably.
The TRUTH is onthe side of Yogeshwar krishna's Bhagwad Gita and the Hindu missionary spirit of ISKCON founded by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhpada, founder of the Hare Krishna movement. TRUTH wins aways and everytime. The Mundak Upanishad says:
The Truth wins and not the falsehood. The good and the learned people find their path smooth and widened through TRUTH. Indeed it has happened in the present case of wily elements that thought and worked like Rakshasas.
As a devotee of the Vedic Dharm, I feel it is my duty to thank the governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of India for having walked an extra mile to ensure that the process of law was not abused and misused. Shri SM Krishna, Minister of External Affairs, Govt of India had stated categorically that the case for ban filed in the Tomsk Court was "patently absurd". He pursued the case and met the Russian ambassador in India, Mr Kadakin, an Indologist, to ensure that the ruffled feelings of the global Indians are not aggravated by an adversial judgement of the court. Both played their roles well and the result is heartening.
It may be mentioned that the same evil men had tried their dirty plans in courts of Moscow but had met with failure. In India a dismissed case is not permitted to be revived in another court of law of the same level. Of course, an aggrieved party may go in appeal to a higher court.
Sadhu Priya Das Chairman of the newly formed Hindu Council of Russia has expressed his deep sense of satisfaction at the final outcome.
We are thankful to Ishwar and the Hare krishna movement for the good tidings. AUM.
Mobile- 9811173590 Email:
Monday, December 26, 2011
By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM
Swami Shraddhanand was at the pinnacle of achievements in the realm of spiritualism, social service, Vedic education, national cohesion, Shuddhi or homecoming of Aryas( Hindus) who had been forcibly converted to Islam and above things mundane the Unity of people of India to attain Swaraj or political independence from the British paramount power when like a Kshatriya he attained martyrdom. His mission of carrying the wisdom of Vedas far and wide did not remain unfulfilled. His disciples in large numbers who graduated from Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar did shine like bright stars in the firmament of Hindi journalism, research in the Vedic studies and above all in keeping the flag of OM flying.
The singular achievement of Swami Shraddhanand that attracted attention of saints and statesmen, educationists and scientists alike is the Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar. The august institution took off as an experiment in imparting education in Vedic studies and sciences in Hindi medium in rented rooms at Gujaranwala town in the Punjab, now in the alien land of Pakistan, in the year 1900. Lala Munshiram, as Swami Shraddhanand was known then, had his heart and soul in a Gurukul located in sylvan surroundings away from the hum and drum of urban society. His dream came true when Munshi Aman Singh donated his entire Kangri village on the banks of the Ganga river plus a lot of agricultural land to sustain the Gurukul. The new institution moved from Gujaranwala to Haridwar lock, stock and barrel. The new experiment began here and achieved a roaring success.
The Gurukul became the flag ship of Shraddhanand’s fleet. Its name and fame spread far and wide. Came Governor of the then United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, preceded by Collector and Commissioner to see for themselves what the giant-like man with a cool head and fearless mien was up to. Reports of sleuths had indicated that revolutionary activities against the Raj were afoot. Sir Ramsay Mcdonald, leader of Opposition in the House of Commons and later the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, came calling. They were all so impressed that they wished more experiments of this nature were undertaken to counter the adverse effect of Macaulay’s Minute.
Mr Ramsay Mcdonald saw in Munshi Ram Ji an image of Christ or St Peter who had a motivational hold on the new generation of Brahmcharis and the Acharyas of yester years too. When the White Hall of London was so favourably disposed towards the Gurukul, the Viceroy’s Hose in New Delhi just towed the line.
Notwithstanding the teething troubles, Mushi Ram, the Acharya had a deep sense of satisfaction when the first batch of Brahmcharis, including his two sons- Harish Chandra and Indra, graduated. In his Dikshant or the convocation address the Acharya drew their attention to the dream of Swami Dayanand Saraswati in rejuvenation the Aryavart through the youth well versed in the Vedas. The Acharya exhorted the fresh graduates to carry on the mission of Dayanand and stick to the Ten Principles of the Arya SamaJ.
The Gurukul has been carrying on from generation to generation and has crossed the Century mark. The well wishers of the Gurukul and votaries of the Arya Samaj have appreciated the progress with a deep sense of achievement.
Swami Shraddhanand was a crusader for Swaraj through and through. It was rather reluctantly that he joined a political party, the Indian National Congress, because he thought that it might interfere in his Spiritual and Educational experiments for the greater good of the greater number. And yet he was in the forefront leading a crowd of protesters in Delhi against the British government’s high handedness. When an armed detachment of Manipuri soldiers under the British officers’command wanted to disperse the freedom fighters by using force of bayonets, it was our Shraddhanand Sanyasi in his ochre robes who stepped forward undaunted by bayonets and bullets, bared his chest and asked the soldiers to fire at him first before opening fire on the protesters. Wisdom dawned on the British officers and they ordered soldiers to unfix bayonets and fall back. A possibility of an ugly situation was averted. The protesting masses comprising Hindus and Muslims applauded the Arya Sanyasi.
On 4th April 1919 a large crowd of Muslims assembled in the Jama Masjid, Delhi to mourn the dead freedom fighters in police firing elsewhere in Delhi The prominent leaders came to Swami Shraddhanand to invite him to address the mourners in the mosque. The Arya Sanyasi began his address with a Ved mantra and concluded with AUM SHANTIH SHANTIH. The congregation responded with AMEEN.
Long ago under the oppressive rule of Sultans and the Mughals like Aurangzeb, Many thousand Malkana Rajputs had been forcibly converted to Islam. Now, influenced by the Vedic preachings of Swami Shraddhanand the Muslim Malkana Rajputs voluntarily wished to return home to the Vedic Dharm. The Arya Sanyasi agreed. Maharana of Mewar also encouraged the home coming and agreed to share puffs at the Hookah with the returnees Pundit Madan Mohan Malviya aso gave an active encouragement. Thousands of Muslim Malkana Rajputs were reconverted to the Vedic Dharm and warmly welcomed by all present. It is said that Gandhi Ji was among the few prominent Hindu politicians who demurred. He did not matter to the movement of Shuddhi.
One Asghari Begum of Karachi along with her children came to Delhi on her own and requested Swami Ji to reconvert her to the Vedic Dharm. The Swami, undaunted by a hostie Musim crowd of goons did convert Asghari Begum and named her Shanti Devi. Court cases were filed by wily politicians and Muslim riff-raffs but they all had to bite the dust. Reconversion to the Vedic fold stood confirmed. The Muslim population sought to seek revenge and assassinate the valiant Arya Sanyasi.
On 23rd December 1926 Swami Shraddhanand came from an election tour and was laid up with high fever due to pneumonia. His secretary and sewak were with him at the Naya Bazar, now Shraddhanand Bazar, residence. A bigot with a sinister intention came over and wished to be converted from Islam to the Vedic Dharm. He was refused permission by the Secretary to meet Swami Ji as the latter was unwell. When Swami ji heard that he wished to forsake Islam and be ordained as a Vedic Dharmi, Swami Ji told his secretary to let him come in. After a few minutes chat, the new comer asked for a glass of water. As the Secretary went out of the room to arrange for water, the new comer whipped out a revolver and fired two shots at Swami Shraddhanand at point blank range and the great Arya Sanyasi succumbed to shots. The secretary returned running and the assassin fired a third shot that hit the secretary but he grabbed the killer and held on to him until the police arrived. That killer was brought to trial, found guilty and hanged by the neck till death.
Swami Shraddhanand ived as a Karmayogi and died doing his karma. The entire nationwas shocked. Lakhs of men and women turned out to attend the funeral and had a mixed feeing of grief and anger.
Swami Shraddhanand is no more with us but his mission of education through Gurukulas and the Shuddhi are going on unchecked. Swami Ji’s disciples and disciples’ disciples on whose shoulders mantle of Vedic responsibility fell are at it doing the job with dignity.
UPVANOM 609, Sector 29, NOIDA -201303, INDIA Mob. 9811173590
Email: or
Thursday, December 22, 2011
russian orthodox christian church scared of gita
By Brigadier(Retd) Chitranjan Sawant,VSM
TRUTH is a bitter pill and is difficult to swallow by weak-kneed government of India. The Prime Minister of India had paid a four-day visit to Russia last week but did he raise the issue of proposed ban on the GITA by a court of law in Siberia? He is mum on the issue so far. Generally speaking, he is mum on issues that involve good of the majority of Indians. He speaks about minorities only announcing that Muslims have the first right on the wealth of India. Is it because he himself belongs to a minority community and has never thought of backing important issues pertaining to the majority community. He may be ignored because he is only a de jure prime minister and he is remote-controlled by another centre of power.
Sonia Gandhi, a practising Roman Catholic Christian and the real controller of the decision making process being President of the Congress Party, has chosen not to say anything on the proposed legal ban on Bhagwad Gita in Russia? Why?
The Russian Ambassador in India regretted the controversy on Bhagwar Gita and attributed the legal issue to some mad men. He might have drawn some comfort by issuing this statement that is not the whole truth. The State Prosecutors had filed this case of imposing a ban on one of the most important religious scripture of the Hindus all over the world. Gita stands next to the Vedas. Yogeshwar Shri Krishna, a student of a Gurukul, had said everything in the Gita that concerns a man’s life, problems and solutions. It is one of the scriptures that lead human beings to a state where one gets peace – physical, mental and spiritual. A genius like Einstein derived Peace and tranquillity to soothe the troubled mind.
One wonders how a scripture can be called a piece of literature that promotes Terror? There is no doubt that the move to get a legal ban on Gita through a court of law is the product of a Satanic mind that wishes to absolve the State and the kremlin of any blame. On the face of it the Russian State is a secular one but in actual practice it is the Russian Orthodox Church that is trying to control lives of Russian people and have them driven like a flock of sheep with no intellectual or spiritual freedom to draw sustenance from scriptures like the Bhagwad Gita. The Shepherd feels threatened that his flock of sheep will go elsewhere for spiritual advancement and not remain in stagnant waters of the Russian Orthodox Christian Church.
Has the Kremlin said anything about the mad men filing a case against a Hindu scripture in a Siberian Court? No, not a word. Has Putin, the iron man of Russia, spoken on the subject condemning mad men who are the State Prosecutors? How will the executive head of the government condemn the State Prosecutors of his own government? Apparently, the whole case is a well planned Russian conspiracy against the scripture of the Hindu Dharma. The Hindus of the world will oppose this move tooth and nail even if it comes to closing down the Russian embassy in New Delhi.
The Russian Ambassador is just hiding this conspiracy of the Kremlin with a fig leaf. Russia stands exposed before the world as a State that discriminates against its own citizens professing the Hindu Dharma No prosecution can be launched in Siberia unless it has the nod of Moscow. The Russian government is not meek Manmohan govt in New Delhi where the right hand does not know what the left is doing.
If the Russian Ambassador is serious about his statement that the prosecution case against Bhagad Gita is a handiwork of mad men, et him write to the Kremlin to issue orders to the State Prosecutors to withdraw the said case forthwith and make the final outcome public. Let him assure the govt and the people of India that a dateline to complete the legal process of withdrawal of the case has been fixed and shall be adhered to under all circumstances A failure on his part to do so would just mean that he is just playing Russian Roulette where the age-old friendship between India and USSR, now Russia may be the first casualty.
The next step for the Russian State should be to rein in the Russian Orthodox Christian Church and not let them run amuck. It is a well known fact that the white Russian men and women, young boys and girls are spiritually a devotee of Yogeshwar Shri Krishna and they draw comfort from the advice given by Shri Krishna to warrior Arjuna on the battle field of Mahabharat prior to sounding of the conch shells and shooting of the first arrow. The troubled minds of Russians find PEACE from the Gita and also by visiting temples of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). What provides peace of body, mind and soul can never be termed as a piece of literature that promotes Terror.
The diplomats are running away from reality. Because Reality Bites. The Russian Orthodox Christian Church is unprepared to face the Truth. They have failed to answer the nagging doubts of the young inquisitive minds, the scientific minds. The youth cannot be controlled by fables and half truths that the pre-communist regime generation was fed on. The Communist regime was more than harsh in closing down churches and the State came down on the Orthodox Christians with a heavy hand. The Christians were hounded out mercilessly and the churches were locked p as long as the USSR lasted. With the falloff the Communist regime the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church was done with a greater vengeance. The Communist icons were pulled down. Anything that was even remotely connected with communism was not only shunned but thrown overboard to be drowned in the Volga or the Caspian Sea. The hold of the Russian Orthodox Church on the people of Russia and later on the State of the Russian Federation increased and strengthened day by day Now the same church that was hunted by the Communists has now appeared in a new Avatar of a hunter chasing everything non-Christian for a kill.
The religious scripture of the Hindus, Bhagwad Gita is now being targeted by the Russian Orthodox Christian Church as the latter feels threatened by the former. May I invite the wise men and women of Russia to cast aside their blinkers and see the sunlight. Let the TRUTH be accepted by one and all by casting aside fake fig leaf of a legal case that is a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.
UPVANOM 609, Sector 29, Noida – 201303, INDIA. Mobile : 9811173590.
Email: or
By Brigadier(Retd) Chitranjan Sawant,VSM
TRUTH is a bitter pill and is difficult to swallow by weak-kneed government of India. The Prime Minister of India had paid a four-day visit to Russia last week but did he raise the issue of proposed ban on the GITA by a court of law in Siberia? He is mum on the issue so far. Generally speaking, he is mum on issues that involve good of the majority of Indians. He speaks about minorities only announcing that Muslims have the first right on the wealth of India. Is it because he himself belongs to a minority community and has never thought of backing important issues pertaining to the majority community. He may be ignored because he is only a de jure prime minister and he is remote-controlled by another centre of power.
Sonia Gandhi, a practising Roman Catholic Christian and the real controller of the decision making process being President of the Congress Party, has chosen not to say anything on the proposed legal ban on Bhagwad Gita in Russia? Why?
The Russian Ambassador in India regretted the controversy on Bhagwar Gita and attributed the legal issue to some mad men. He might have drawn some comfort by issuing this statement that is not the whole truth. The State Prosecutors had filed this case of imposing a ban on one of the most important religious scripture of the Hindus all over the world. Gita stands next to the Vedas. Yogeshwar Shri Krishna, a student of a Gurukul, had said everything in the Gita that concerns a man’s life, problems and solutions. It is one of the scriptures that lead human beings to a state where one gets peace – physical, mental and spiritual. A genius like Einstein derived Peace and tranquillity to soothe the troubled mind.
One wonders how a scripture can be called a piece of literature that promotes Terror? There is no doubt that the move to get a legal ban on Gita through a court of law is the product of a Satanic mind that wishes to absolve the State and the kremlin of any blame. On the face of it the Russian State is a secular one but in actual practice it is the Russian Orthodox Church that is trying to control lives of Russian people and have them driven like a flock of sheep with no intellectual or spiritual freedom to draw sustenance from scriptures like the Bhagwad Gita. The Shepherd feels threatened that his flock of sheep will go elsewhere for spiritual advancement and not remain in stagnant waters of the Russian Orthodox Christian Church.
Has the Kremlin said anything about the mad men filing a case against a Hindu scripture in a Siberian Court? No, not a word. Has Putin, the iron man of Russia, spoken on the subject condemning mad men who are the State Prosecutors? How will the executive head of the government condemn the State Prosecutors of his own government? Apparently, the whole case is a well planned Russian conspiracy against the scripture of the Hindu Dharma. The Hindus of the world will oppose this move tooth and nail even if it comes to closing down the Russian embassy in New Delhi.
The Russian Ambassador is just hiding this conspiracy of the Kremlin with a fig leaf. Russia stands exposed before the world as a State that discriminates against its own citizens professing the Hindu Dharma No prosecution can be launched in Siberia unless it has the nod of Moscow. The Russian government is not meek Manmohan govt in New Delhi where the right hand does not know what the left is doing.
If the Russian Ambassador is serious about his statement that the prosecution case against Bhagad Gita is a handiwork of mad men, et him write to the Kremlin to issue orders to the State Prosecutors to withdraw the said case forthwith and make the final outcome public. Let him assure the govt and the people of India that a dateline to complete the legal process of withdrawal of the case has been fixed and shall be adhered to under all circumstances A failure on his part to do so would just mean that he is just playing Russian Roulette where the age-old friendship between India and USSR, now Russia may be the first casualty.
The next step for the Russian State should be to rein in the Russian Orthodox Christian Church and not let them run amuck. It is a well known fact that the white Russian men and women, young boys and girls are spiritually a devotee of Yogeshwar Shri Krishna and they draw comfort from the advice given by Shri Krishna to warrior Arjuna on the battle field of Mahabharat prior to sounding of the conch shells and shooting of the first arrow. The troubled minds of Russians find PEACE from the Gita and also by visiting temples of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). What provides peace of body, mind and soul can never be termed as a piece of literature that promotes Terror.
The diplomats are running away from reality. Because Reality Bites. The Russian Orthodox Christian Church is unprepared to face the Truth. They have failed to answer the nagging doubts of the young inquisitive minds, the scientific minds. The youth cannot be controlled by fables and half truths that the pre-communist regime generation was fed on. The Communist regime was more than harsh in closing down churches and the State came down on the Orthodox Christians with a heavy hand. The Christians were hounded out mercilessly and the churches were locked p as long as the USSR lasted. With the falloff the Communist regime the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church was done with a greater vengeance. The Communist icons were pulled down. Anything that was even remotely connected with communism was not only shunned but thrown overboard to be drowned in the Volga or the Caspian Sea. The hold of the Russian Orthodox Church on the people of Russia and later on the State of the Russian Federation increased and strengthened day by day Now the same church that was hunted by the Communists has now appeared in a new Avatar of a hunter chasing everything non-Christian for a kill.
The religious scripture of the Hindus, Bhagwad Gita is now being targeted by the Russian Orthodox Christian Church as the latter feels threatened by the former. May I invite the wise men and women of Russia to cast aside their blinkers and see the sunlight. Let the TRUTH be accepted by one and all by casting aside fake fig leaf of a legal case that is a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.
UPVANOM 609, Sector 29, Noida – 201303, INDIA. Mobile : 9811173590.
Email: or
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Contribution of Swamy Shradhanand to Kerala's Socio-religious-reform Movements

23 rd Dec is the martyrdom day of great educationalist, veteran freedom fighter and Vedic scholar, Swamy Sradhanand who was closely connected to socio-religious - reform movements in Kerala. But the glorious role played by him in Kerala during the first quarter of last century is missing from our history books. Mahatma Munshi Ram was born at Talwan Village in Jalandhar (Punjab) on February 2, 1856. The magic of great social reformer and vedic scholar, Maharshi Dayanand Saraswathi totally changed a spoiled young Munshiram (later Swamy Shradhanand) into an Arya Missionary and a national leader. He actively participated in freedom struggle and motivated many revolutionaries to fight against the alien rulers. He was the Chairman of reception committee of Amritsar Congress session in 1919 just after Jalyanwala Bagh massacre and successfully conducted this session. He established Gurukul Kangri with one teacher (himself) and two students (his two sons) which is now a famous university. He was the first non muslim to deliver sermon from the rampart of Jama Masjid of Delhi.
Above all he was a preacher of vedic dharma. He spearheaded the shudhi movement which resulted the return of thousands of converted Hindus to vedic religion. During the 1921 Malabar rebellion he came to Kerala for rescue works and brought back thousands of forcible converted Hindus to their parent religion. The Arya Samaj at Ponnani in Malappuram district was the main re-conversion centre during 1921 rebellion. Swamiji and his brave followers risked their life and gave a strong presence in Ponnani, the so called Mecca of Kerala to succor the poor Hindus. The hapless Hindus were massively converted by force there. At present also Ponnani is a main conversion centre to Islam. The landed property and buildings of erstwhile Arya Samaj at Ponnani is now encroached by some one. When new Khilafat commemorative buildings are coming up in many parts of Malappuram district, there is no one to take up the case of this encroached historical Arya Samaj property which stood great relief for riot victims.
Swamy Shradhanand was also the inspirational force for upliftment of so called lower casts in Kalpathi village of Palakkad district. When these downtrodden people were denied their right to take part in yearly conducted Kalpathi Ratha Yathra, Swamiji took up the matter in the Court of Law and obtained a Judgment from Madras Court in their favour before the start of that year’s Rath Yathra. He also actively participated in Vaikkom Sathyagrah. But it is very unfortunate that the contribution of Swamiji and other Arya Missionaries like Pt. Rishi Ram are missing in our history books. Even a photograph of Pt. Rishi Ram who established Calicut Arya Samaj also not available now in any historical libraries of Kerala. When there was a mass function to commemorate the 85th anniversary of Vaikkom Sathyagrah with much fanfare, there were not even a mention of Swamy Sradhanand and his colleagues. This is a great insult to those brave souls like Swamy Shradhanand who was behind the socio-religious reform movements in Kerala.
He established Bharatheeya Hindu Shudhi Sabha alongwith Pt.Madan Mohan Malavia in 1923. The shudhi movement spearheaded by Swamiji brought back lakhs of converted Hindus to Vedic Religion. This enraged the muslim extremists. As a result of that he succumbed to the stabbing by a fanatic Muslim named Abdul Rasheed on 23rd Dec 1926. The British court sentenced Rasheed with death penalty. It was very unfortunate that Mahatma Gandhi (whom the honour ‘Mahatma’ was given my Swamy Shradhanand) sought relaxation for death sentence given to Abdul Rasheed from British authorities. But same Gandhiji refused to take up a similar case for great freedom fighters Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Sukh Dev and Rajguru. But the British authorities did not care Gandhiji’s suggestion and hanged the assassin of Swamy Shradhanand as per the court verdict.
Now Kerala is passing through a tough time. Mass conversion like love jihad going on in different parts of Kerala. In these circumstances let us pay homage to this immortal Arya Missionary and dedicate ourselves for the cause of propagation and protection of vedic dharma!
Om krinvantho vishwamaryam!
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